Devotional Thoughts
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Written with divine inspiration by ChandraShekhar Karwa

SYNOPSIS: The creature only has an eternal relationship with GOD. GOD gives full freedom to the creature and sends him to the world. But the creature that does not get engaged in the world and illusion and keeps the goal of attaining GOD through devotion is very dear to GOD. READ THE FULL ARTICLE BELOW -

A sparrow that is imprisoned in a cage and if the door of that cage is opened, she will fly out. But that sparrow lived with us for a long time and we used to love and feed her. Because of this love, if she comes back in the cage by herself after some time of flying out, then we will feel very happy. We will think that the sparrow loves us so much and because of that even after getting freedom, she came back in the cage automatically. Even after getting freedom she still wants to live in our love bondage.

Similarly, GOD has liberated us by sending us into the world and if we do not get entangled in the illusion (Maya) and come back to the love-cage of GOD then how good He will feel about it. GOD has given us true freedom and has sent us into this world. We can live our lives in the world and in the midst of illusion. Most people also do so. But some very few who are true loving devotees of GOD, they abandon this world and illusion and come back in the contiguity of GOD through devotion.

True devotees are never affected by this world and illusion. They cross the illusion and the world and come back in the contiguity of GOD. We can see a live example of this in Bhagwati Meera Bai’s life. Even after getting married to a royal family, the pleasure of the palace, servants, clothes and ornaments could not bind her. She wanted to devote her life to the love of GOD and she abandoned everything and came to Shri Vrindavanji. She lived her life in the love of GOD by abandoning the world and the illusion. It was a big examination to abandon the pleasure of queen and the palace but she succeeded in it because of her devotion. Her devotion was mature and at her last moment GOD appeared and took her to His dwelling with her body.

We are also free to fly in the world but if we are not affected by the illusion and make up our mind to live in the contiguity of GOD then GOD will be very pleased with us. The individual soul is the part of Universal Soul (GOD). GOD wants that the individual soul and the Universal Soul should remain together but illusion comes in the middle and takes the individual soul away from Universal Soul. This is the work of illusion and she does it very well. But if the creature becomes careful due to his intellect and wisdom and seeks the contiguity of GOD by escaping from the effect of illusion, then his welfare becomes assured.

Like a sparrow that has been freed from the cage comes back, we feel good because it makes us easily understand that she has a true love for us. Similarly, by abandoning the world and the illusion, whoever comes back in the contiguity of GOD, that creature becomes very dear to GOD because GOD knows that such creature truly loves GOD.

Therefore, the creatures should not be influenced by the world and illusion and should always keep their inclination towards GOD. GOD waits for such creatures and eagerly awaits for them. GOD loves every creature but when that creature also loves GOD then GOD gets very pleased.

English Translation done by Sheelnidhi Gupta